Percentage of Homes For Sale - Posted by Andre(DC)

Posted by Andre(DC) on December 16, 2003 at 18:09:11:


Makes sense. Thanks for your thoughts …


Percentage of Homes For Sale - Posted by Andre(DC)

Posted by Andre(DC) on December 16, 2003 at 01:20:38:


I am just curious if anyone knows what percentage of homes is for sale at any given time.

I know that 20% of all businesses are for sale at any given time. Is there a similar percentage for homes that are for sale? Is it 10%? More? Less?


Re: Percentage of Homes For Sale - Posted by Nate(DC)

Posted by Nate(DC) on December 16, 2003 at 10:57:39:


That’s an interesting question. I’m wondering why you want to know.


Re: Percentage of Homes For Sale - Posted by Andre(DC)

Posted by Andre(DC) on December 16, 2003 at 13:20:40:


Well, I guess it’s really more of an “academic” question, i.e., a question to satisfy my curiosity, but not necessarily a question the answer to which would have a terribly practical value.

I am just trying to get a feeling for the size of the market for real estate investors out there. Should one ever decide to try to grow big and automate this business (to the extent this is even possible), it would be nice to know the size of the potential market out there.

It has been said that 3-5% of all sellers are motivated sellers. However, that is 3-5% of what? Is it 3-5% of 10% of all homes out there? Or is 3-5% of 20% of all homes out there? More? Less?

Just curious … Makes sense?

P.S. Nice to hear from you again. Looks like you’re still fooling around with real estate :slight_smile:

Re: Percentage of Homes For Sale - Posted by Nate(DC)

Posted by Nate(DC) on December 16, 2003 at 14:07:52:


Since that’s the way you’re looking at it…I think you’ll have a data problem.

The fact is, many people who are “motivated” sellers do not have the house for sale…they are waiting for someone to come in and solve their problem. So a measure of how many houses for sale doesn’t really begin to address motivated sellers, since many of them are in a different category altogether - I’d call it “needs to sell, but isn’t trying”.

Good to “see” you, too.