park with septic system - Posted by Cindy

Posted by Bob(OH) on April 24, 2003 at 04:58:41:

You bet there are issues to look out for.
One word will sum it up for you. Capacity.
You should really look into this and be aware of potential problems long term.
Depending on the age of the system, you could be looking at issues with the EPA as well. I would suggest, if I may, you check all maintenance records, upgrades and inspections. Be sure all permits are up to date (if applicable) and I would want to see a blue print of the layout to include leach beds.(just incase you need to dig for something else later on down the road)
I think once you have all this information in front of you, you should have a better idea on exactly what your getting into.

park with septic system - Posted by Cindy

Posted by Cindy on April 23, 2003 at 20:19:07:

Looking at a mobile home park in Washington state with septic and city water. What are the issues to look out for regarding the septic system.