P.O. Boxes - Posted by Brian Rhodes

Posted by Sailor on January 23, 2006 at 17:31:44:

There are a variety of mail forwarding services; some even pay your bills. I started using one 15 years ago when I was cruising abroad. While out of the country I was careful to choose one in a state w/no income tax, & established my residency there. I have used St. Brendan’s Isle in FL for the past several years, & found them to be very reliable. They cater to yacht folks, so are used to handling special requests. Contact at: www.boatmail.net or 800-544-2132

P.O. Boxes - Posted by Brian Rhodes

Posted by Brian Rhodes on January 23, 2006 at 15:38:04:

I heard awhile back from a real estate guru that you can pay a company to set up an address to receive mail to a street address with a suite number instead of a P.O. Box. This would be ideal for our direct mail piece to increase response rate. Does anyone know of a company that can do this? I live in Richmond, Virginia if that has any bearing on the answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


UPS store - Posted by ken in sc

Posted by ken in sc on January 26, 2006 at 06:52:13:

If I am not mistaken, the UPS store, Private PO, or companies like that, the ones you see in your local strip centers that most people use to mail things for them, often have the service you are looking for.


Re: P.O. Boxes - Posted by Brian (UT)

Posted by Brian (UT) on January 25, 2006 at 11:10:23:


Just to add to Sailors post, My wife and I spent two years full time R.V.ing and similiar services are usually offered in R.V. magazines, etc.
