Posted by William Bronchick on February 27, 2006 at 09:19:22:
What you are thinking of is “adverse possession”, which allows someone to acquire ownership through continued possession of land; however that possession must be HOSTILE to the true owner, that is, they are claiming it to be THEIRS continuously, openly and notoriously. In your case, the fact that you pay the taxes will likely defeat their claim.
In some states, that possession must also be under “color of title”, that is, they must have a good faith basis for believing it is theirs. The statutory period changes from state to state, so it may be 25 years in TN and 16 years in FL (I honestly don’t know all the time frames, so you have to check your own state law).
The most common application of adverse possession is a fence or other encroachment that is over the property line for a number of years. Keep in mind that it is not automatically yours either way; you have to file a lawsuit for “quiet title” and prove the elements to a court.