Owner Finance- NoteWorthy - Posted by Larry

Posted by Tim Swyane on January 01, 2009 at 12:20:46:

There is some decent information there , they also put on an annual convention.

BUT - one course that is geared SPECIFICALLY to how to structure maketble and sellable RE notes is available on this site by the cash flow forum moderator; Michael Morrongiello.

His course; “Paper into Cash - The Convertible Currency” is execellent in terms of getting into the actual mindset that a paper investor uses when trying to put together the components in an owner financed sale deal. Great narrative, tips, and audio.

I’ve enjoyed it immensely and found it useful.


Owner Finance- NoteWorthy - Posted by Larry

Posted by Larry on January 01, 2009 at 10:45:59:

As I am considering using owner financing as a tool in my real estate business and I need to learn about how to structure notes, I have looked at several trainings.

Does anyone know anything about the NoteWorthy Newsletter and whether it is worth the annual subscription?

It seems to be the “hub” of the note business. Is that true?

Any help is appreciated.
