Overview of Real Estate Taxes and Laws in US - Posted by Marissa Di Pasquale

Posted by SUeC on May 24, 2001 at 08:43:00:

Marissa, I am a lawyer here in Pensylvania, and I have to say, what you’re asking is a huge task.

You should begin to do some basic research on your own to figure out what it is you’re trying to learn. Start with some basic books; go to http://www.nolo.com and look at the landlording and other books there; or, you can go to the site FindLaw and start doing some research yourself - http://www.findlaw.com.

Every state is different, and there are literally dozens if not hundreds of applicable laws, case law, etc. Real estate tax law by itself is so complex that it is a specialiation of lawyers and accoutants. You can get basic information, but again, you need to narrow down what you want to know before anyone else can help you.

You could also try Bill Bronchick’s website, he has links to state laws and other stuff: http://www.legalwiz.com. Good luck!

Sue Caskey

Overview of Real Estate Taxes and Laws in US - Posted by Marissa Di Pasquale

Posted by Marissa Di Pasquale on May 23, 2001 at 19:44:34:

I am seeking advice about where to go or who to talk to (or engage), so I can get an overview of real estate taxes and laws in the US. I would like to start with NY and compare to other states. Questions like:

  • stamp duty
  • state and federal taxes
  • eviction laws etc.
    I live abroad and would like to look at investing in US real estate.

Any advice is appreciated.
