out of state owners - Posted by vicki

Posted by vicki on September 13, 2002 at 19:54:27:

Thank you for answer , now I know where my mistakes is.thank you so much for help.

out of state owners - Posted by vicki

Posted by vicki on September 13, 2002 at 09:49:25:

Some out of state owners tell a lie that they want to sigh papers after offer accepted. They just want all papers to do business themself. How I can privent this? Its a lot easy to deal face to face with seller and i can see who tell me truth. All out of state owners understoond my lease option offer. But they try to find out how they can do business themself. Please help. How I can find out they tell me truth or not? thank you.

Re: out of state owners - Posted by Dave T

Posted by Dave T on September 13, 2002 at 10:19:24:

What are you telling the “sellers”?

  1. Are you asking to lease their property with an opportunity to buy it in a year or two, or,

  2. Are you telling the “seller” your whole game plan including how you will lease from the “seller” then sublet to your own tenant/buyer until the tenant/buyer cashes everyone out?

If the answer is 2, then you probably need to change your presentation to 1.

Re: out of state owners - Posted by Sean W. (NOLA)

Posted by Sean W. (NOLA) on September 13, 2002 at 10:12:10:


This hasnt been my experience at all!

Maybe youre just being too cynical?

In all likelihood,if the seller wanted or could
do business himself,HE WOULD!

People are not stupid…a short stroll through any
decent bookstore will turn up 100 plus books on how
to this,all forms included!

Sean W.