Out Of Context For The Week - Top 10 - Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA)

Posted by Jim FL on June 09, 2003 at 18:26:11:

That was funny thanks.
That is kinda sad though…I’m glad that’s not my life.:slight_smile:

Lose interest? Never!

Thanks for the chuckle,
Jim FL

Out Of Context For The Week - Top 10 - Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA)

Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA) on June 09, 2003 at 08:39:24:

Out Of Context For The Week - Top 10

From The Week Of 06/02/2003 To 06/08/2003

When taken out of context from the original post,
these words made me smile, hopefully they will
make you smile too.


Would you call cheese that is not your cheese…Nacho Cheese?

Budweisers and Hotwings are a good compensation!

Help! I think I’m turning into Ed Copp!

…, or perhaps they prefer a licensed attorney?

For the longest time I have been giving people the wrong information.

What is the best cost effective financial calculator to purchase?

I know what sex is, and there are not varying degrees of it.

I don’t want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me french fries!

Thats all just a sweet gentle nudge toward reality.

I cannot give enough stress on how important it is …

Re: Out Of Context For The Week - Top 10 - Posted by RichV(FL)

Posted by RichV(FL) on June 09, 2003 at 11:39:05:


LOL good post! :slight_smile:


Re: Out Of Context For The Week - Top 10 - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by js-Indianapolis on June 09, 2003 at 10:31:20:

“I know what sex is, and there are not varying degrees of it.”

Uhhhm…I’ll disagree.

Nacho Cheese - Posted by T

Posted by T on June 09, 2003 at 09:35:36:


Sex is like ice cream… - Posted by michaela-ATL

Posted by michaela-ATL on June 09, 2003 at 14:41:45:

the fact may be, that we’re all eating ice cream, but we all might chose different flavours. :wink:


It depends - Posted by John Behle

Posted by John Behle on June 09, 2003 at 13:38:44:

It all depends on what the definition of “is” is.

Married sex is alot like banking… - Posted by Ben (NJ)

Posted by Ben (NJ) on June 09, 2003 at 16:25:54:

you put it in, you take it out…you lose interest! LOL

Re: Its also like Pizza… - Posted by Peter(NM)

Posted by Peter(NM) on June 09, 2003 at 15:01:29:

When its good, its darn good… When its bad, its
still pretty good.

BTW, I was a lil surprised to see a warning about
using the word “d*mn” lol.