Opportunities - Posted by Mark (SDCA)

Posted by Frank Chin on November 07, 2007 at 03:52:52:


There’s a few interesting Bronchick vs Gatten discussions on the legal board. Here’s some:


and another


Happy reading.

Frank Chin

Opportunities - Posted by Mark (SDCA)

Posted by Mark (SDCA) on November 05, 2007 at 17:54:43:

A lot has been posted here and other places about opportunities for investors in purchasing foreclosures, pre-foreclosures etc.

I ALSO think that there will be similar opportunities for investors looking to exit using LO, PacTrust, EquityShare, wraps etc.

It may take longer because right now buyers are mostly on the sidelines waiting to see if/when the next shoe drops. But eventually wannabe buyers will want to chase the American Dream and run smack into those new underwriting standards.

Re: Opportunities - Posted by Rich-CA

Posted by Rich-CA on November 05, 2007 at 18:56:48:

I hope you’re not thinking PacTrust is something you’d want to do. There’s been a bit posted here and elsewhere on how this convoluted tax dodge is likely to end up getting you into trouble with the authorities.

Missed that - tell us more - Posted by steve

Posted by steve on November 06, 2007 at 11:53:19:

Please tell more. I missed any posts re: “how this convoluted tax dodge is likely to end up getting you into trouble”