Online credit agencies - Posted by Michael

Posted by Michael on April 01, 2001 at 20:11:35:


Online credit agencies - Posted by Michael

Posted by Michael on March 31, 2001 at 24:01:34:

I was looking for a good online credit reporting agency that is of low cost per credit check and fast at responding to my rental applications. Anyone using one now that you are pleased with?

Thanks in advance!

Michael KY.

Re: Online credit agencies - Posted by Carey_PA

Posted by Carey_PA on March 31, 2001 at 12:45:39:


I use Fidelity National Credit Services. (

it cost $10.50 per report, but you get all 3 credit scores from all 3 bureaus. I like it for now. The software is free and you get the reports rather quickly when you enter the info into your computer.


Re: Online credit agencies - Posted by Judy

Posted by Judy on March 31, 2001 at 09:08:09:

I just signed up with
I faxed a tenant application to them and it only took 5 minutes to get the credit report back. There are no annual fees. $9.95 for single report.

Re: Online credit agencies - Posted by Ronald Starr

Posted by Ronald Starr on March 31, 2001 at 11:13:45:

Look up on a browser “tenant sceen” or “tenant check”.
when I did this, I looked at the “top 10” list
I found and now use Tenant Screening Center in Santa Rosa CA – phone 707 + 578 - 5533 or 800 + 523 - 2381.
they have a web site also. For differing fees they provide different levels, including eviction check.
I talked with another property owner with many more properties than I have. From him I understant that for the very cheapest cost of credit checks, you can join a credit reporting service, as a property rental business, and get reports for about $2.50 to $3.00 each. I understand that you are obligated to report on credit matters with your customers/renters. Since I do few reports each year, I have not yet investigated this.