One Suggestion. - Posted by Bernd Hanak

Posted by Bernd Hanak on February 17, 2011 at 18:14:11:

It is a given that currency devaluation and monetary inflation are an established characteristic of our times. Nobody should need to be convinced of the inevitable consequences which affect everyone. However, few seem to adjust their private lives and their investment in consideration of these most destructive threats to their wealth. Some are aware of the likelihood of, and rightly expect, an enormous transfer of wealth in the not too distant future: from those who do not manage to those who do manage. Some even see a light at the end of the tunnel, inwardly hoping that it is not the light of a runaway train heading their way. Others observe and are convinced that most people?s standard of living is systematically declining. ?But then what?? is the logical question posed by Jeff. I have recommended before and again refer anyone to the excellent educational website: . Chris?s ?crash course? on macroeconomics is designed for anyone who does not have a satisfactory background of the subject as it relates to our present-day economic environment, and it is free. It also serves as a valuable review of concepts and application. The people who post on Chris?s web site are very well informed and address the most relevant and interesting subjects. The answers to Jeff?s question are all available on that site. An unidentified author said, ?An optimist sees opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees calamity in every opportunity.?