NYC rent control - Posted by Chyna

Posted by Frank Chin on October 28, 2004 at 10:15:04:


Not really.

There are succession rights. Children and a list of relatives can continue living there rent controlled.

Had a friend whose dad got a Greenwich Village apartment when he was a kid, grew up in it in the 1950’s. When his dad passed away a good 15 years ago, his younger brother moved back in, paying “Rent controlled” rent, and it was close to his job as a police officer in Chinatown.

Such units become “rent stabilzed” as tenants vacate and no qualified “successors”, such as children moves back in. It would be stabilized at the market rent, though future increases are controlled.

Frank Chin

NYC rent control - Posted by Chyna

Posted by Chyna on October 27, 2004 at 21:03:23:

Does anyone have experience with NYC rent control? A tenant in one of my buildings claims she’s been there since “1968 or 70” which would definitely make her controlled but I don’t know how to prove this. She pays $130/month and market rent is about $1600. Does anybody have any ideas?

Re: NYC rent control - Posted by Laura

Posted by Laura on October 28, 2004 at 09:18:59:

I was lucky enough to live in a rent controlled apartment in New York. I believe its no longer rent controlled only when the tenant moves out. Try checking with Rent Control in New York City.

Re: NYC rent control - Posted by Frank Chin

Posted by Frank Chin on October 28, 2004 at 08:33:48:


Refer to the following WEBsite and, read paragragh 11:

Usually the tenant lease spells out that she is “rent controlled”, and “rent controlled” and “rent stabilized” apartments are registered, or should be.

If she lived there since 1970, she is “rent controlled”.

Frank Chin