Next Potential Investment - Where to Go From Here? - Posted by JohnTN
Posted by JohnTN on March 15, 2011 at 14:53:32:
Greetings All,
First, thanks to all of you long-timers who graciously share
your knowledge, and Ray, thanks to you especially. I always
look forward to reading your posts.
A bit of background - I’ve owned a hand full of rental units
for going on 15 years. 1 duplex and 1 SFR. I own both free
and clear. After all management fees, insurance, maint,
taxes, I consistently net about 10K per year after all
expenses from these.
Also, several years ago, I flipped some MHs that I bought
wholesale and made a modest profit on them. All this to say
I’m not a total newb and I have some track record of
successful RE investments.
A few years ago, my wife and I bought a condo in a new hi-
rise. We still own our previous home which would
conservatively net $350K if sold. We own this free and clear
also, so selling this property would give us $350K to invest
in something. Mostly this home just sits and I use it as a
man cave.
I could also potentially sell my other rentals and 1031
those funds, combined with the $350K from the sale of our
prior residence to come up with $500K. This would make sense
only if I could put that additional 150K toward something
with a better ROI than the rentals I already own.
My question is, invest in what? Ideas I’ve had are a small
apartment building, a small strip center, medical office, a
laundromat (Ray? ) Or I could do what I’m already doing
and try to find a few more SFRs or duplexes.
I’ve just turned 50 and have a good corporate job, which I’m
not looking to give up right now. My goal would be to
supplement my existing income and continue to grow my RE
investment portfolio.
Thanks in advance to any other successful investors who
would care to share their insights.
All the best,