Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by shante

Posted by JeffR on August 24, 2001 at 15:04:42:

Best thing to do is call your local post office.

Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by shante

Posted by shante on August 24, 2001 at 13:06:58:

I went out today to put out some flyers for my L/O business
after getting Matt Bowmans course. I was scared to death when I started driving neighborhoods and people were looking at me. Does this go away? Does this get better with time? or Should I just advertise at night when people are sleep? (This could get the police called) I decided to get out and put some flyers on mailboxes (for sale by owners) etc. I am in Atlanta that is very common here. Any advise. I want to reach the people who dont see my bandit signs, who dont see my pull tab flyers in the stores. Any advise on a good time to put out flyers in residential neighborhoods???

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by Ronald * Starr

Posted by Ronald * Starr on August 24, 2001 at 17:30:00:


I do not know Matt B’s course so,if the following does not fit it, do not do it. Don’t even read it.

I have never used fliers or signs to buy houses. But of course, I’m not trying to buy a lot of them. I like to send out a postcard. That has worked for me.

Legal, tidy. You can even watch TV while addressing and stamping them.

Good InvestingRon Starr***

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by AnnNC

Posted by AnnNC on August 24, 2001 at 15:10:34:

A lot of communities prohibit flyers/door hangers. One reason–if person is out of town, they know to D/C their newspaper so that the house will not look like the owners are away, but the owners have no control over your flyers. Also, a sign on a mail box, esp one visible at roadside,
indicates whether the owner has been home. My mail box has a flag I can lift for the mailman to pick up mail, but the mailman does not lift it when I get mail. I wouldn’t leave mail in it and the flag up if I was leaving town over a weekend/holiday.
If you are messing with peoples mailboxes, they would rightfully
take notice. A car sign would be less intrusive.
Also try yard sales, drive around to open houses with car signs.
Totally withing your rights.

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by Mike (NJ)

Posted by Mike (NJ) on August 24, 2001 at 14:19:23:

I had an idea of using Yard Signs and sticking them in the ground at a high traffic area. Is this illegal? Political campaign groups do it all the time.

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by JeffR

Posted by JeffR on August 24, 2001 at 13:31:28:

First of all, posting anything on a mailbox is a Federal Offense, not to mention unprofessional and tacky. Leave that space for “lost dogs or cats”. Another area to stay away from (my opinion) car windows. Most people take offense to people touching their cars. Not to mention finding something stuffed under there windshield wipers. If you don’t want to run into people, put them up during the day when most people are at work. The advantage of putting them up while people are at home is you get a chance to get give a quick sales pitch and also ask if they are selling or no anyone that is. Tell them you pay for referals. Just my thoughts.


Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by shante

Posted by shante on August 24, 2001 at 20:55:57:

This is not something he suggests in his course. It is just something I wanted to do to target specific houses…sg

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by Richard

Posted by Richard on August 24, 2001 at 20:37:30:


Call the city’s “Code Enforcement” office to see whether or not it is illegal.

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by Jim C

Posted by Jim C on August 24, 2001 at 18:28:36:

Hey Mike,

I’m from NJ, too, and have never had a problem. I haven’t done too many signs, but I’ve never gotten a call telling me that it is illegal. I just stay away from putting them on private property. It seems to work pretty well for me.

Jim C

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by JeffR

Posted by JeffR on August 24, 2001 at 14:49:13:

Yard sale signs (a.k.a. Bandit Signs) maybe illegal based on local regulations. I agree that your local polutitions that vote on your local laws are also the ones that violate this law to their own personal benefit.


Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by GCurtis (VA)

Posted by GCurtis (VA) on August 24, 2001 at 14:30:05:

I thought it was only a federal crime to put something inside of someone’s mailbox and not outside of it.

polutitions … I like it! (nt) - Posted by d wells

Posted by d wells on August 25, 2001 at 13:00:06:

polutitions … I like it!

Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by shante

Posted by shante on August 24, 2001 at 20:52:51:

That was my understanding as well. If it is a federal offense there are alot of people going to jail!!! Every time you turn around someone is tacking something on your mailbox. Either on the flag or on the wooden posts. I dont dispute that you should not go inside of someones box. I am glad we got that cleared up.


You are correct (nt) - Posted by Blane (MI)

Posted by Blane (MI) on August 24, 2001 at 16:15:11:


Re: Newbie scared to advertise - Posted by MSchmidt (IL)

Posted by MSchmidt (IL) on August 24, 2001 at 15:12:14:

My understanding has always been what?s inside is Federal, what?s outside is not, hence newspaper holders etc. Now I don?t know that I would want to test this against the Fed’s =)