newbie ready to start but needs help!!!!! - Posted by torando

Posted by Todd (MO) on June 01, 2002 at 17:13:02:

If the book is all you have to go on as far as real estate education, then at least read and reread and study the heck of it. But use it as a starting point, and then get a more in-depth course (like one of Joe’s) to really learn the subject more fully.

As Joe points out, “… if you gotta ask, you ain’t ready to start.” The first thing you should do Monday, is to start figuring out what you should do. Make a plan. If you want to get from point “A” to point “B” then you gotta plan your route. Same thing here. And if you don’t even know where to start planning, then you don’t know enough about what you are doing yet.


Continued Success,


newbie ready to start but needs help!!! - Posted by torando

Posted by torando on June 01, 2002 at 16:40:17:

I have just finished reading Bronchicks book. I want to start out doing wholesale flips on abandoned/vacant fixer-uppers until I generate enough capital to do complicated (but more profitable) deals. What do I need to start doing monday morning to accomplish my goals?

Re: newbie ready to start but needs help!!! - Posted by JoeKaiser

Posted by JoeKaiser on June 01, 2002 at 16:43:49:

I suggest you reread the book.

But seriously, “complicated” does not necessarily equal “more profitable.” The simplest deals are often the most profitable and certainly the most enjoyable.

As for the Monday morning thing . . . if you gotta ask, you ain’t ready to start.
