New Investor - Posted by Mike

Posted by Zack on January 04, 2003 at 21:38:54:

  1. Would you recommend forming a corp (LLC etc) for liability reasons before doing a deal?

Yes I would, but I am not a lawyer or an accountant and I would suggest you talk to both of them about it first.

2)Is there a good resource for examples of contracts for deals? If so, can you just use a blanked out example or do you need a lawyer to write them up?

I don’t know of any good sources, I use the Georgia Association Of Realtors contracts. I’m sure having a lawyer do it would not be bad idea.

3)This may be a stupid question but, how do you make an offer? Is there a standard written format?

Write a contract and present it to the seller or write a letter of intent that explains what you plan to do then transfer it to a contract if you work it out. I would suggest just writing the contract though.

4)What is the best way to find a title co that specialized in simultaneous closings?

Join you local real estate investment club and ask around, find a hard money lender and ask them, or call every title company you can find and just ask them.

New Investor - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on January 04, 2003 at 14:05:11:

I have been reading books and listening to borrowed investment seminar tapes over the last couple months and have made the resolution to take action. I have decided to concentrate intially on wholesaling and lease options. A few questions to get started…

  1. Would you recommend forming a corp (LLC etc) for liability reasons before doing a deal?
    2)Is there a good resource for examples of contracts for deals? If so, can you just use a blanked out example or do you need a lawyer to write them up?
    3)This may be a stupid question but, how do you make an offer? Is there a standard written format?
    4)What is the best way to find a title co that specialized in simultaneous closings?

I am in Tampa…thanks for any help!
