new bk law affect RE investors? - Posted by lukeNC

Posted by Kevin IL on August 26, 2005 at 16:10:20:

Bankruptcy will be harder to file and more costly in atty fees. This takes away or seriuosly limits an option for those in foreclosure. That will be better for foreclosure investors.

The new Bk law also removes evictions from the automatic stay period. This is a big help to landlords with tenants in BK.

My opinion: bad for debtors, good for investors.

new bk law affect RE investors? - Posted by lukeNC

Posted by lukeNC on August 24, 2005 at 15:15:56:

Don’t know if this has been discussed here but what do you guys and gals think the new stricter guidelines for filing Chapter 7’s will have on the RE investor biz?