neighbor stealing signs - Posted by luke-NC

Posted by Neil (Md) on May 11, 2004 at 06:33:06:


I live in Ellicott City. It’s not having rentals in ellicott city that I don’t like, just my neigborhood. People have every right to rent out their house. I don’t deny that. I would just prefer in my neighborhood as a selfish homeowner, not to have houses as rentals. Would I do anything about it, no. Would I prefer not to have rentals, yes.

If the house wasn’t being maintained and there were “for rent” signs everywhere and the property values declining because of it, would I do something then? Yes. I would speak to the owner in a positive way.

I was making a point so that the original poster can understand where his neighbors are coming from.

neighbor stealing signs - Posted by luke-NC

Posted by luke-NC on May 08, 2004 at 08:05:50:

I have nice home in one of those nicer subdivisions that i recently obtained subject to…

anyways, got a call from an angry neighbor who says “renters arent welcome in my neighborhood”

i’ve had to place signs up twice in the yard, and they’ve been taken down both times.

I still have them in the windows of the home…

I checked with the HOA just to see about the “renter” issue, there’s no such ban on renters, i don’t know if that would be legal anyway.

What to do?

steal his mailbox. - Posted by Fauver

Posted by Fauver on May 08, 2004 at 23:14:32:

just kidding, that’s illegal…

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Nick

Posted by Nick on May 08, 2004 at 19:21:28:

If the guy already said he took the signs then why don’t you just call the cops?

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Jack

Posted by Jack on May 08, 2004 at 19:08:41:

Am I the only one that gets the impression that you don’t know who is taking down your signs, and hence you can’t confront them? (yes, Jack you are the only one). You mention that the HOA doesn’t have a problem with renters, but are you sure the HOA allows yard signs, many don’t.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by eric-fl

Posted by eric-fl on May 08, 2004 at 17:42:58:

Send the neighbor a letter, Certified Return Receipt, instructing him or her to cease & desist at once with both the trespass of your real property, as well as the theft and molestation of your personal property (the signs). You paid for it - if he takes it off your land without your permission, that’s stealing, pure and simple. Also state that if he does NOT cease & desist at once, the next letter will be one from your attorney, detailing a lawsuit that has been filed against him for tortious interference. End it with the same sentence lawyers always do, “PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY.”. That should get their attention.

If they are really thick, then it may be worthwhile to spend $100 to have your attorney follow up with a letter to the same effect. If they realize that continuing to interfere with your rental could result in their paying for the vacancy, they may reconsider their position.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by DP (ON)

Posted by DP (ON) on May 08, 2004 at 16:50:26:

If this is a rent to own rather than a straight rental, I would explain the difference to this guy. Let him know that you aren’t looking for a “renter” who doesn’t care about the house or the neighborhood. You’re looking for a buyer who just needs some time to get their financing in order.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Neil (MD)

Posted by Neil (MD) on May 08, 2004 at 12:14:51:

If it’s a really nice neighborhood, I’d take the sign down. Use the newspaper for your advertising. You’ll need the neighbors in the future. I know I wouldn’t want the signs in my neigborhood. It all depends if you want an adversarial relationship with the neighbors or a friendly one.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by DavidV

Posted by DavidV on May 08, 2004 at 12:10:47:

You may mention to him what he is doing is illegal. a.k.a. stealing/trespassing. (if you’re positive it’s him) Taking signs down from public roads is one thing, but that really irks me when they are taken from my property.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Bryan (NC)

Posted by Bryan (NC) on May 08, 2004 at 11:46:37:

Talk to him and let him know in no uncertain terms that his action is reducing the pool of potential renters. This means you will have fewer tenants to choose from and he will end up with a lower quality neighbor. At the same time let him know you are commited to keeping high standards for the beautiful neighborhood. Let him know you would be grateful if he could suggest a suitable tenant. So grateful that you would pay a finders fee.

Then you should mix up iodine or an oil based dye and vaseline and smear it all over the back of the sign and the post. The vaseline may prevent the sign from being taken again because of the slimy grossness when someone touches it, and the iodine will stain the hands of the culprit. Just beware that this could spark the abuse of more than just your signs.

Try chaining it to a tree (nt) - Posted by Larry (TX)

Posted by Larry (TX) on May 08, 2004 at 10:51:15:


Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by DE

Posted by DE on May 08, 2004 at 08:59:10:

Chain a mean doberman to the sign or offer to pay the guy off.

You could also threaten a lawsuit for trespassing. Set a fake video camera up in the window “watching” the sign and tell him if the sign comes down you will turn the video in to the police. Of course, you will need a light shining on it at night.

I would try the nice approach first.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by jasonrei

Posted by jasonrei on May 10, 2004 at 09:14:05:

No, I think most of us get that feeling.

Re: Apply some nasty chemicals on the sign ? - Posted by Brad

Posted by Brad on June 12, 2004 at 12:35:21:

Re: Apply some nasty chemicals on the sign ? They will regret for a long time.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by jorge

Posted by jorge on May 08, 2004 at 19:07:38:

I don’t think the actual sign is the problem. “renters arent welcome in my neighborhood” Is what I think the problem is…
But that is just how I understood it.


Poison Ivy / Oak - Posted by Hank FL

Posted by Hank FL on May 08, 2004 at 21:47:49:

I really have no use for those that can’t mind their own business.

While I do appreciate your vaso/io idea, that prank should be reserved for summercamp toilet seats.

What’s needed here is a powerfull and invisile (delayed reaction) skin irritant.

If that doesn’t work, there’s always hidden punji sticks. :wink:

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by brown-trout

Posted by brown-trout on May 10, 2004 at 21:24:36:

…uppity folks tend to bother me…tell him if he is so concerned, then he can BUY your rental…if he wont, then tell him its none of his business.
you could always use what ranchers out west use…an M-44…its a cyanide filled device to cull coyotes with, tie it to the sign (JUST KIDDING!!!).

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Neil (MD)

Posted by Neil (MD) on May 09, 2004 at 11:50:43:

If this is a really nice neighborhood, like you say. The issue is the rental and the signs. Most neighbors don’t even realize it will be renters. Get the signs out. Talk with the neighbors. Tell them the house will be maintained and immaculate. Use the honey approach vs the vinegar approach. Talk to the neighbor, promise to deal with any “issues” that come up with the rental, etc.

I know I’d be the same way if their was a rental in my neighborhood.

Re: neighbor stealing signs - Posted by Rick(MD)

Posted by Rick(MD) on May 10, 2004 at 23:22:11:

“I know I’d be the same way if their was a rental in my neighborhood”

What neighborhood in Maryland are you living in that’s so exclusive? I know even Potomac has rentals.