Need rehab lender in MN - Posted by CAT

Posted by shizah on June 24, 2004 at 23:28:44:

I am a lender in WI and MN. Shoot me an email and we will talk.

Need rehab lender in MN - Posted by CAT

Posted by CAT on June 24, 2004 at 15:18:45:

In need of a rehab lender in MN/WI. Would ideally like to obtain a line of credit as I have access to purchase rehab properties from an investor portfolio on an ongoing basis. (lucky me, but need the $). Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!

Re: Need rehab lender in MN - Posted by Don

Posted by Don on June 27, 2004 at 16:44:45:

I can lend in MN & WI. Here is my e-mail address if you wish to conact me.

