Need insurance consultant - Posted by JD

Posted by SuperCat (IL, KY) on August 21, 2002 at 15:24:47:

Possibly a Public Adjustor would be a good choice to seek some time with as their knowledge should be suited towards your needs. I am licensed to sell insurance in IL, but only recently. My main motivation was to save on my insurance, but obviously would have to sell to others and haven’t used it yet.

Need insurance consultant - Posted by JD

Posted by JD on August 21, 2002 at 15:02:34:

I wish to speak with an insurance consultant. Real Property Hazard Insurance. Colorado. This doesnt relate to anything specific, I just need objective, knowledgable feeback on a wide range of esoteric questions. I checked the phone book under ‘insurance consultant’, all the listings are just insurance sales people, or services related to injury insurance. Any suggestions?