Need help with deal - Posted by brittney

Posted by JA - MIA on October 17, 2002 at 10:45:49:

You spoke “with Fannie Mae” and she said “Fine”?
Give my regards. I’m glad she’s doing well.

Need help with deal - Posted by brittney

Posted by brittney on October 16, 2002 at 13:52:41:

I signed a contract with a fannie mae broker on a property and I want to flip it. The problem is the broker said I have to close on the 22nd of this month and I need until the 25th and Fannie Mae won’t give an extension so he say. It has only been 31 days and I sopke with Fannie Mae on Fri and she said fine. The problem is my borrower is not going to be ready to close this loan until Friday,So I have to come up with $$$ to pay cash and turn around and get my cash back three days later. I don’t have $$$ and the title won’t do a back to back closing even if I could close the buyer on Tues. Is there any investor that could help?? Or any ideas.