Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by Chuck-NY

Posted by Charles K Clarkson (TX) on January 15, 2004 at 14:37:30:


Do you know the name and contact info for their group. I would love to pick their brains and start a similar group for MHP’s in my rural area. We (park owners) are usually mom and pop operators and could use the experience of a group like this.


Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by Chuck-NY

Posted by Chuck-NY on January 12, 2004 at 22:35:44:

I have a MH that is sinking into the ground on one corner. First of all I believe it is the parks responsibility to provide a secure area for the MH for which they are collecting lot rent…agree or disagree. This area should be able to safely support said MH.

Secondly, if I did decide to correct the problem myself, how many ton jack would I need to jack up one corner…20 ton??

My repair guy told me he knows how to correct the problem.

Aren’t there something called ABF or AFB or something like that “pads” that should help prevent this sinking?

Thanks !!

Re: Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by Dan - GA

Posted by Dan - GA on January 14, 2004 at 17:02:01:

When you say " I have a MH that is sinking…" do you mean you rent a MH that is sinking… or you own a MH that is sinking… If the home is a rental, the owner of the home should provide a stable foundation.

If you own the MH, did you set your MH or hire someone who did the job for you? If a pier is sinking into the ground, did you or the contractor do a soil compaction test before deciding how many and what type of piers that you need?

The lot lease that I use specifically states that the tenant is responsible for the setup of their home and all utility hookups. If you are the owner, look at your lease to see if you have a similar requirement. Call a setup contractor, and have them look at your problem. They can remove the pier and install an oversized pad made of ABS plastic or some other material. The sizes I’ve seen are 16x16 or 24x24. Using the larger base will distribute the weight and reduce or eliminate future sinking. Then they will rebuild the pier and relevel that corner of the home.

If the floor in the MH is still level, you shouldn’t need a jack, just build the pier up underneath the existing I-Beam. If the floor isn’t level and the home needs to be jacked, you may want to hire a pro setup guy as they have the proper tools to do this, and there is nothing that looks worse than a MH owner squished under a MH that has fallen off the other piers while they were trying to level it.

Good Luck

Re: Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by Chuck-NY

Posted by Chuck-NY on January 14, 2004 at 21:34:48:

Thanks for your reply it helps a lot. It also made me see how much information I inadvertantly left out. This MH is a 1987 14’ and has been in its current place in this park probably since new. I can understand that since I am the owner I would be responsible for the foundation IF it was on my land. Since it is in a park I feel the support for this unit must be the responsibility of the land owners…the park ! I have owned this MH for about 3 years. (using a Net Lease & Option to Purchase)

Re: Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on January 15, 2004 at 13:01:00:

Look at (& read!) the MHP agreementyou signed when you moved in…in ALL likelihood it’s absolutely NOT the responsibility of the MHP, as it’s very rare they open the door to any liability as to anything happening to a tenant’s MH.

In WA State, there’s a super strong & very influential MHP owner’s association, and they carefully guide & teach all their MHP owners in ducking every kind of potential liability, etc.

Re: Need Help Re: sinking MH - Posted by Charles K Clarkson (TX)

Posted by Charles K Clarkson (TX) on January 14, 2004 at 23:00:56:

I would have to disagree with you there, Chuck. My park rules also place the burden of proper footing on the homeowner. If you are looking for a scapegoat, you could try the original peple who setup the home.

I might be persuaded to help out a tenant in my park with re-leveling if the area had excessive erosion or other circumstance that I, as park owner, had failed to control. That tenant would have to provide some proof of professional installation, though. I would also be calling that installer about their warranty if they were still around.
