need help please...mhp - Posted by kathy ann (mo)

Posted by kathy ann (mo) on December 06, 2004 at 17:06:11:

i am in southern missouri (jasper co) city water,septic system ,each renter pays own water…each home has a very large yard. with the layout you could possibly add 1 home
taxes 1300.00 per year
insurance 920.00 per year
electric and dumpster service 1200.00 per year
this is all of the info i have at this time
park owner has terrible records

need help please…mhp - Posted by kathy ann (mo)

Posted by kathy ann (mo) on December 06, 2004 at 15:08:35:

how to make most$$$$ from this… 14 unit mhp on 8 acres

*7 homes sold “lonnie style” by park owner he collects $120 per month lot rent on each home

*7 homes vacant and need replaced (could sale each home for $1000.00 with husband moving them to buyers site)

owner is out of state and the property is not managed

i see alot of potential but, lack the knowledge to properly evaluate it.
asking price $130,000.00 (i would not pay that)
from past homes i have purchased i can replace the 7 vacant homes for a total of less than $40,000 (husband moves homes)less $7000.00 from sale of vacant homes.
the replacement homes can be sold “lonnie style” $12,000 each plus $120 lot rent

how long would it take to get my money back from park ?
what other ways can money be made from this deal ?
the lot rents can not be raised at this time
i would appreciate any thoughts on this possible deal.


Re: need help please…mhp - Posted by Eli

Posted by Eli on December 06, 2004 at 17:57:04:

Give me a call 210-437-2681.

I noticed your other post and I think you can make something happen here. You have a head start over most people. Now just do it, but do it in a knowledgable way (you are on the right track being here asking for help). Give me a call and I will help you the most I can. If you do this right I bet you and your husband can be retired in the next few years and have OTHER people paying you enough lot rent that you can live very comfortably. Call me and I will show you how.

where are you? - Posted by Marty (MO)

Posted by Marty (MO) on December 06, 2004 at 16:19:56:

I’m in St. Charles Co and I would jump all over this, as the land alone is worth more than this around here.
Are you connected to municipal water and sewer? Is the water metered? Will you be allowed to put more pads in?