need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on November 22, 2002 at 06:44:14:

Thanks for the tip but I believe shes done this before and she knows how to play the game. She would keep putting me off and not move. She would rather stay there and not pay rent then move out for $100. Shes pretty slick!

need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on November 21, 2002 at 21:03:17:

I am in Polk county, florida and I hope someone is familiar with the particulars of completing the eviction process. The Sheriff should have served/posted the 24hr notice today and I dont believe that the tenant is going to leave on her own. So at his point, Im not sure what to do or how to handle this. As you can tell, This is my 1st eviction and I dont want to mess it up.
If the tenant doesnt leave on her own, Monday I will have to meet the Sheriff there and …this is where I fall apart. I dont know much if anything about what comed next.
Can I move the tenant out myself(sheriff present)vs moving company?
What do I do with the tenants belongings?(storage/streetside?)
If it has to go into storage, what are my obligations? Do I just store it and wait until tenant contacts me or is there a set time I am responsible for keeping it? Do I have to let tenant know where it is?
If anyone can answer these questions and provide additional info, I would be grateful.
I know someone out there has a story or two about an evicton that they can share also!
Thanks, Dan(FL)

Re: need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Jack Ashcroft

Posted by Jack Ashcroft on November 22, 2002 at 05:06:45:

What you’re refering to is a Writ of Possession. I suggest that you go to and click on the Tenant Eviction tab. All the information you need is right there. Good luck.

Re: need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on November 22, 2002 at 01:43:52:

Imagine that. I just so happen to know a thing or two about your county. :slight_smile:

After the Sheriff serves the 24 hour notice to vacate, they will call you and set up an appointment to meet the deputy at the property.
When you meet the Sheriff’s deputy, they will knock on the door, and tell the tenant to leave, escorting them out if need be.
You need to be on hand, either with a crew, or yourself to haul the tenants belongings to the curb.
Change the locks also.
The tenants belongings need to be placed at the burb, and left there for 48 hours.
After that, if the tenant fails to remove it, you can haul it off to the trash.
The deputy will not help you move anything.
They are there to keep order, remove the tenant and observe, that is it.

By the way, where are you in Polk?

Drop me an e-mail off the board if you want to, perhaps we can network a bit.

Sadly, I’ve done my fair share of evictions in our county this year, and now know the process fairly well.
Usually my evicted tenants are out before we get there with the deputy.
You might even take a drive past the place, or have neighbors on the look out to let you know if the tenant leaves ahead of time.
This way, should the leave, with the home opened up and exposed to weather, you can at least get it secured for the night.
Just make sure the tenant is really gone first.

The Deputy Sheriff’s here are really rather decent to deal with, and get the job done well.
Even though eviction is never fun, they do go rather smoothly in our kneck of the woods, versus other places I’ve invested.

Good luck, and as I said, feel free to drop me an e-mail off the board if you want to talk to a “local”.

Take care,
Jim FL

Re: need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Marla

Posted by Marla on November 21, 2002 at 21:12:38:

What about offering him $100 to get himself and all his belongings out. Give him 24 hours, once he has everything out, pay him the money, change the locks, and look for another tenant. (I read this technique in the Carelton Sheet No Money Down Course).

Re: need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on November 22, 2002 at 06:55:26:

Mr. Ashcroft,
Thanks for the website. You were right, it is very informative and it looks like it has alot of useful forms also. Dan(FL)

Re: need help 2 finish eviction!! - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on November 22, 2002 at 06:52:32:

Thank you the info. Its great that guys like you are willing to share your knowledge with others like me. Thanks and Ill drop you and e-mail and let you now how it turns out and see if we can do a little networking . By the way… Im in Lakeland and the property Im evicting from is next door(how convenient…huh?). Dan