Need DUNN # Quick! - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by Stan on April 12, 2010 at 12:44:41:

Shoot, for $75, if it takes longer than 15 mins to save it, spend the money.

Need DUNN # Quick! - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on April 04, 2010 at 12:19:13:

Hi All:

I need to receive a DUNN number quicker than the 30 days it will take D&B to get me one. It’s for my non-profit and the grant we are applying for. The deadline for the grant is actually April 14. Anyone know if there is a way, outside of paying $75 for an instant one online, that I can get a DUNN number quickly and for free?

Thanks in advance.


Question? - Posted by Wayne-NC

Posted by Wayne-NC on April 08, 2010 at 09:59:26:

Why hold up a good deal for only $75?

Re: Need DUNN # Quick! - Posted by michaela-CA

Posted by michaela-CA on April 04, 2010 at 12:33:40:

I did it a couple of years ago, according to the instructions on . I don’t remember the particulars, but I got it in a day or so. It’s somewhere on their site.


Re: Question? - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on April 11, 2010 at 17:04:18:

Of course I wouldn’t. However if there was a way to save the $75 then…why not ?

Re: Question? - Posted by Wayne-NC

Posted by Wayne-NC on April 11, 2010 at 17:11:09:

I can see that, but only if the time ivested is worth it. I just didn’t understand the urgency of the situation for a relativly small amount.