Need advice from the pro's please.. - Posted by Cyrus Julian

Posted by R. Kim on January 19, 2008 at 14:39:35:

Cyrus, if you’re serious, let me know as I’d be interested along with another buyer. There are certain parameters this buyer and I will require to consider a deal. For example, on vacant land, the upside potential must be at least $4 million net profit and a 2:1 ratio of profit to purchase price. Other types of commercial property, such as apartments and warehouses, have different parameters.


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Need advice from the pro’s please… - Posted by Cyrus Julian

Posted by Cyrus Julian on December 31, 2007 at 04:35:38:

Happy New Years everyone! First time posting here. Love all the helpful info.

I’d like to ask the pro’s for their opinion on something? How open are you to doing equity sharing with newbie investors? And how would you recommend a newbie establish a relationship with you to purchase property together? This is not meant to be an ad (not allowed) but I just want to know what is the best way to find someone and how to respectfully approach them if I come across a good deal.

On a different note, I am considering working for either a commercial brokerage on either the sales or financing side. My long term goal is to buy and own commercial multifamily property. Can anybody tell me where they think I would learn more applicable knowledge to my long term goals? On the sales side or the financing side? I’m leaning a little more towards the financing side since my research has shown that a lot of seller pro formas aren’t really accurate and most brokers don’t do a good job of verifying it whereas if you’re a lender, you have to ensure all the numbers make sense to get the financing.

Thanks in advance!