Need advice from experienced mortgage brokers... - Posted by Tuan

Posted by Tuan on February 06, 2003 at 24:10:39:

Hi all,
I’m thinking of being a mortage broker so here I’m asking for some advice of anyone here who is currently a full-time mortgage broker or who may know of one.

Other than the usual response I’m getting from friends i.e. its extremely hard to make a decent living being a mortgage broker, what advice or research would you recommend to me before I decide to dive in. Is there such a site, book or course that actually teaches a beginner in how to succeed as a mortgage broker.

Finally, what is the best 2-3 ways to market one self as a mortgage broker. It seems there’s a ton of mortgage brokers in my city, Minneapolis, MN.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer,

Tuan Pham