nedd financing ideas - Posted by Koni

Posted by BENOUDINA AISSA on October 31, 2007 at 08:37:44:

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nedd financing ideas - Posted by Koni

Posted by Koni on August 03, 2002 at 13:12:59:

Hi, I am a new member,married mother of 2, husband has full time trade joband I have a part time low paying job that takes me away from family far to much for the money I am making. I have been racking my brain lately and searching the internet for some way to make some money and be able to be home more, or go to school to volunteer, not to mention hate keeping track of a schedule or having a “boss” to worry about telling I cant come to work because my child is sick. I am a very determined woman,when I set my mind on something that I want, I dont stop untill I get it. Well I want to have some money to build things around my farm or to take my kids out every weekend, and just pay off 20,000.worth of credit card debt. I am not looking for a get rich deal, thats when I thought of something just today, I just bought my second home through a broker, and kept my first as an investment, the first home pays for itself and thats about it, but in 2 years I will make a very good profit off that home, but in the mean time, I have a+ credit, thats how I purchased another home without having a renter in my other home by the time I closed on my second. So my point is that if I could do this one transaction like I did, I can do it again and again to make money on a regular basis. I have some 20,000. in equity on my second home as I moved in, been here for only 5 months, have had renters in my other home since April, on a years lease. Now, I live in Myrtle Beach ,SC have been here for nearly 13 years,I have seen such a growth in this place, that it doesnt even look the same since I moved here, we cant get enough roads built or homes and real estate is one of the biggest businesses here, if not THE biggest! I just want to know where I should start, I would like to turn over a house first off since I already have a home thats being rented and will appreciate alot in the next 5 years, so I want to make 10 or 20 grand to pay off debt and keep going on the money making path with buying and selling homes and real estate. Where should I start? Should I find a property first? should I look for a house, mobile home, commercial or aprtment? Do I need to actually have say 5,000. in a bank for downpayment?Should I get a line of credit? where do I start? I just need to know where to start and then I will take the ball running. Thanks in advance.

Re: nedd financing ideas - Posted by Bruce Barilar

Posted by Bruce Barilar on August 04, 2002 at 07:39:07:

The first thing I would do is search the archives here and read and STUDY articles about real estate that interest you it is jampacked with info, and there are alot of great people that have great ideas!

The second thing you need to know is to learn the market inside and out. Use local realtors, web sites,local investment group, the court house, etc to learn what houses are worth in areas you want to buy in. That way you’ll know a buy when you see one.

Third, it is a good thing to line up the professionals you’ll need; real estate attorney, title company, mortgage broker, insurance agent, some contractors, and last but not least a real estate agent.

Fourth, go find motivated sellers and write offers. Work backwards in your analysis of the deal, since you’ll know your market value (because you’ve studied it) you can see how much profit is in the deal. Ed, can give you nine ways to do a deal, even without good credit or money. You will need to do a couple of deals first, then go to Ed’s workshop- not only will he help you, but you’ll get to meet all kinds of great people who are doing what you want to do!

There is so much more than the above, but I hope I have helped point you in the right direction.



Re: nedd financing ideas - Posted by LGR

Posted by LGR on August 03, 2002 at 22:39:14:

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Re: nedd financing ideas - Posted by Koni

Posted by Koni on August 04, 2002 at 08:17:04:

Thanks Bruce, I am on the right track then because I Have a good attorney, and a broker and have bought two houses in this area in the last 10 years so I have a little knowledge on the current realestate values around the areas and have met a couple good agents, so I guess its just a matter of jumping in and getting started. I would love to be able to attend one of these seminars, but I dont think I could afford to fly around just yet, but am going to pick up some books and keep reading all this wonderful information from this website and the other links it gives, thanks so much for your advise!