Nationwide Real Estate Discounters - Posted by Samantha

Posted by michael on December 02, 2002 at 16:57:38:


Nationwide Real Estate Discounters - Posted by Samantha

Posted by Samantha on December 02, 2002 at 16:05:48:

I am trying to get the low-down on this company in Ft. Myers, Fla. before sending them a lot of money to get into their “Renovate America” Program. Can anyone give me some first hand experience or reports on this company? Are they legit?

Nationwide is useless - Posted by Scott Shubert

Posted by Scott Shubert on December 08, 2002 at 24:03:12:

For $750 you get a notebook that explains some fundamentals of real estate investing which you probably already learned from the first book you read years ago. Then if you find a deal that meets their criteria you could flip it to anyone, everyone and their dogs because it would be a sweet deal indeed. You could find a hundred local rehabbers to pay you for the deal or hard money lenders who would finance the deal for you to rehab it yourself. Don’t think you are getting some special training and support that will enable you to go out and do lots of deals that you couldn’t otherwise do.

Re: Nationwide Real Estate Discounters - Posted by MattFL

Posted by MattFL on December 03, 2002 at 08:00:45:

I looked into this before I got started and found nothing but bad things about the company. They have several complaints filed against them with the BBB. As a result they are no longer members. I also found out that their big program is run out of a small leased office in the back of a light store. They don’t even have an 800# at first for you to get in touch with them. What they are offering is exactly what you can do on your own with local investors in your area, accept that they pay you. If you want more info you can email me directly at

Re: Nationwide Real Estate Discounters - Posted by JoehBloeh

Posted by JoehBloeh on December 03, 2002 at 07:51:22:

Check the archives, but the quick and easy answer is: No.

For $500 you get a home inspection guide and an 800 number to call. When they call they tell you “that house doesn’t match our qualifications”. That’s all!