Posted by karl (TN) on January 29, 2005 at 16:14:48:
lol, thanks for your reply, I think! karl (TN)
Posted by karl (TN) on January 29, 2005 at 16:14:48:
lol, thanks for your reply, I think! karl (TN)
My trials w/ first MH park - Posted by karl (TN)
Posted by karl (TN) on January 29, 2005 at 08:33:44:
I am closing on my first MH park on Feb. 1. I sent out letters to all tenants (7) announcing the news (they all know already and are expecting a rent increase) and the new and improved park rules. My phone is ringing off the hook w/ complaints. Are you gonna do this? are you gonna do that? So in so in that trailer drinks and scares me. the present owner said this but she never did anything about it…
I am wondering what I am getting into. Is this just a case of buyers remorse? I can still backout. The place is very well kept and all but one tennant is at least middle aged, most are seniors. I am beginning to wonder if the seller found a sucker.
One of the phone calls may have an upside. One man called to tell me that in 30 days he is moving to assisted Living. He needs to sell his MH quick. He wants 5k. I told him I didn’t want to be a landlord of MH, everything is to be owner occupied, but I will help him find a buyer. The truth is I would love to buy his place but am only willing to give 1K. Should I wait him out until he comes down. I don’t want word to get around that I am a shark. Please help!
Re: My trials w/ first MH park - Posted by jowns
Posted by jowns on January 29, 2005 at 15:46:37:
“i ll fix any problems as soon as they happen WITHIN REASON” say within reason that wat if it does not get fixed they might get the hint you didnt think it was a big deal. as for the drinker IF HE SCARES SOME ONE TELL THEM TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM. about 75 percent of the problems in my park are retiries with to much time or single women that knowone has ever made them happy and knowone ever will. i live in bristol id be glad to buy it at the right price.but dont get nervous it goes with the territory
Re: My trials w/ first MH park - Posted by Dave
Posted by Dave on January 29, 2005 at 14:08:30:
ooo you are a shark… Watch out old man!
Re: My trials w/ first MH park - Posted by karl (TN)
Posted by karl (TN) on January 29, 2005 at 16:21:24:
Yeah, the ice has kept me hold up in the house with nothing to do but crunch numbers on the calculator. I have remotivated myself as I remember the positive cashflow I will getting from the getgo. I have quite a few rentals and the retirees cause the least amount of problems. So I’ll stay the course. Thanks for your reply! karl (TN)