My first problem tenent - Posted by John

Posted by JeffB (MI) on July 11, 2006 at 10:26:55:

Jad, I like this approach. A good use of the higher authority routine. And explaining to the PM that you can’t evict without cause makes you look even more ethical/reputable!

My first problem tenent - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 11, 2006 at 06:57:42:

I sold this home to a lady who was approved by the PM about 4 months ago, Payments have been an ongoing problem for her, though she has thus far paid w/late fees. The PM is very unhappy with her because of her collection of construction debris and misc junk piling up in and around her house, The PM told me yesterday he would like me to get rid of her! So, What do I do? getting rid of her is easier said than done, When is it reasonable to start handing out the eviction notice to her for non-payment and what are some ideas for getting her to clean up her lot. Your feedback would be much appreciated.
Thank you

Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 13, 2006 at 04:49:15:

Thanks for the input I will keep you posted on progress if there is any, I like the picture idea, I have on a couple of occasions tryed the rational approach of just pointing the problem out to her but she discounts the problem, I guess an eviction notice is in her immidiate future if she does not get her act together.

Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by Sailor

Posted by Sailor on July 11, 2006 at 15:39:23:

When I have a problem w/exterior maintenance I take some pics &
give a set to the tenant. They are always surprised how bad the
yard looks in a photo. If it is really bad, I give a written time limit
for clean-up.

The rent collection can be a real pain. I generally serve a Pay or
Quit on day #2, but on occasion on the due date if they tell me
they don’t have the $$$. I apologize when I hand them the notice,
but tell them that legally I have to start the clock ticking.

Actually getting rid of this buyer depends on both park rules &
your contract. I find it is faster & easier to get folks out on mhp
violations than non-payment. Good luck!


Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by Bruce

Posted by Bruce on July 11, 2006 at 14:40:41:

Here is what I would do… I do not know how much late charge you get but if you are only 4 months into this note it is really not a huge ongoing problem in my eyes. To appease everyone I would go to the tenant. I would very nicely explain to them that this purchase has started out on kind of a bad note. Tell them that you have obligations that have to be met ontime and you have to expect that they can uphold their end of the agreement. Tell them that as opposed to late charges maybe their is something different that can be worked out to avoid them. Perhaps a later day in the month or a bi-weekly payment or an extension of terms. I would then tell them about the complaints from the PM. Explain that if they violate park rules and are evicted , they will forfeit all of the monies invested. Explain to them that at that point it will be out of your hands.Take them out and show them the areas that need cleaned up and tell them that this also cannot be a continuing problem. I would then go to the PM and tell them that you have addressed the situation with the tenant and let them know what the response was. Show them that you are concerned and involved. Many times people just want the respect they feel that they deserve and at times a little attention will go a long way. The key is to remain calm with both parties. I wish you luck.

Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by Rich[FL]

Posted by Rich[FL] on July 11, 2006 at 11:42:28:

I’m confused; you said you sold the home; yet you say you have a problem tenant. Which is it? The solution to the problem will be based on the answer.

If she is indeed only a tenant, then part of the lease should refer to the park rules and that breaking them violates the lease allowing you to evict.

If you sold the MH to her, then the problem is the park owners but you can help out by telling the MH owner that you’ll be glad to help out by having her retitle the MH back to you and you won’t put a black mark on her credit if she’ll leave quickly and quitely. The only other options will be for the park owner to evict and force her to move the MH. If that happens, I hope you have a clause in your contract that the home can’t be moved without the lender’s express written permission or without it being paid off first.

Hope this gives you some ideas.


Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by osupsycho (OK)

Posted by osupsycho (OK) on July 11, 2006 at 10:17:24:

This seems like a somewhat sticky situation to me. It would seem obvious that you need your relationship with the PM a lot more than you need the relationship with this problem tenant, but the problem is how to proceed. If it was me I would tell the PM that you have no problem getting rid of this person but they have to break one of your rules first. Now the tenant may have already broken some of your rules but the PM doesn’t need to know this. I would explain to the PM that if they have something against the tenant that they should enforce it and then (according to your rules) you can follow it up and get rid of this person (that is if you used a standard contract). Just explain to the PM that you are a reputable business person and you can’t just get rid of someone without cause. Then put it on the PM to give you the cause you need.

Just my thoughts,

Re: My first problem tenent - Posted by Myron

Posted by Myron on July 11, 2006 at 08:29:10:


I don’t see this as your problem. I understand that you want to keep a good relationship with the park manager but he needs to in force his park rules. He should have provisions on how the lot will be kept in his park rules that the tenant agreed to when they signed their lease.

I don’t know if it would be a good idea or not but you might warn the lady the park manger is considering to evict (a bluff) her if she does not clean up her lot.