multiple notes/partners - Posted by Helen

Posted by Dale on April 30, 2002 at 08:02:20:

I have the same question. How is the best way to finance a deal involving four partners? Is it one loan with multiple signees on the loan, 4 separate loans, or something else?

multiple notes/partners - Posted by Helen

Posted by Helen on March 25, 2002 at 22:19:58:

When investing with partners, where each partner is getting a loan for his/her share of capital, does each person go to their own mortgage lender and give info of investment particulars? If loans are 30% or less of property value, should it be feasible to get a no doc loan? How should bookkeeping be set up for mortgage payments if each person has their own loan? Know its lengthy but in process of doing this…need help. Any suggestions are appreciated.