Mr. Savage - Posted by Philip

Posted by Greg Meade on April 12, 2004 at 06:28:47:

with and learn about the real deal. Will he buy partials from you?..that would free up cash to do more deals until you are rolling in it. Perhaps find homes for him at a 3k markup?? Just make sure your money doesn’t disappear out of thin air and reappear in his pocket! LOL

Mr. Savage - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on April 11, 2004 at 18:12:40:

I met a mobile home investor today named Savage.

He has over 100 land home notes, some sfh notes, 2 mobile home parks.

He buys and sells cars.
He is a pilot.
He is a magician.( Like on stage with the hat and the girl and the knives)
He just sold a charter bus company.
He does his own repair work on his mobiles, because he likes repair work.
He lives in a 4 story A-frame house with 4000 sf of living space. That he built himself. Every stick.

Sprint pays him $500.00 per month for the rent on a tower they needed to put on one of his land/home places.

He is a very unique individual. Filthy rich. Time on his hands.

He made it all in 15 years.

Now he is having to look for interesting things to do because he is rich and lives alone. He is around 50.

This is in a town of 30k.
He will pay more for property that is close to him, just because it is convienent.

And he acts like everything is no big deal.

Neat guy.


Really! - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on April 12, 2004 at 07:16:19:

He wants to sell me some land already, but I don’t want to pay what he is asking, nor do I have time yet to develop it. He has time but would rather play and do handyman work.
Yeah, he could do some magic, take your money and have you saying, “wow! do that again! here’s some more money!”