Most Successful Courses? - Posted by Mike

Posted by An observer on June 23, 2002 at 16:03:49:


Most Successful Courses? - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on June 20, 2002 at 10:26:34:

I live in the NYC area where homes cost anywhere between $250,000 to 2 million dollars. I have purchased Carltons courses and Ron Legrands courses which focus mainly on lower cost housing. I am aware Ron LeGrand has the ‘Pretty House’ course but found it to be a little unrealstic.

Can anyone reccommend a course that would focus towards the
higher priced homes? Preferably a course that focuses on flipping homes and options.


Re: Most Successful Courses? - Posted by gary FL

Posted by gary FL on June 21, 2002 at 23:47:31:

Check out the Paper Street Course on Lease Options. I bought it and it seems pretty good. You can usually find one on Ebay.


Paper Street Press Fast Cash Course - Posted by Bobby T

Posted by Bobby T on June 21, 2002 at 23:51:41:

I agree. This course is pretty good. I think that the first section is well worth the price of the course!! I got mine on ebay too! Not a bad price compared to other lease option courses that are over $250 USED!!!