Month to Month Lease Agreement - Posted by Paul D. Meehan

Posted by Bert G on August 24, 1999 at 09:48:16:

>" I don’t think its called a lease if its month-to-nonth.

Month to Month Lease Agreement - Posted by Paul D. Meehan

Posted by Paul D. Meehan on August 23, 1999 at 18:38:41:


Can anyone provide me with a solid Month to Month Lease Agreement? Please advise. This can be e-mail or faxed to me at:

E-mail -
Fax - 401-621-9663


Re: Month to Month Lease Agreement - Posted by Rich_PA

Posted by Rich_PA on August 23, 1999 at 23:07:07:

The best month-to-month rental agreement I have ever seen/used is one from the book “How to Buy and Manage Rental Properties” (or something to that affect) by “Milin”. The bookstore can look it up by the author “Milin”. (Milin has gone off to do crazy things since then, but the book is great-- and cheap).
I have added things as tenants have done one stupid thing after another, and you may want to get Jeff Taylor’s course from his website, as we have. He has super ideas on landlording, and I have just used them to increase my rent over 25% on my last vacancy.

I don’t think its called a lease if its month-to-nonth.