Mobile Homes - Posted by Vicki, OH

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on August 27, 1999 at 06:29:03:


I just started doing mobile home deals in Toledo and Columbus a few months ago, so I’m still rather green myself. It DOES work here. Get Lonnie’s books and listen to people like Lonnie, Dirk Roach and Dave Segars. You should do fine.

John Hyre

Mobile Homes - Posted by Vicki, OH

Posted by Vicki, OH on August 26, 1999 at 23:02:49:

I stumbled across this site several weeks ago and have been reading with much interest, especially buying and selling mobile homes. I’m considering ordering Lonnie Scruggs’ “Deals on Wheels” and possibly “Making Money on Mobile Homes” so I can get the free one hour mini workshop audio cassette. Just wondering if there are any fellow Ohioans out there who have tried buying and selling mobile homes and might have some advice to offer. Advice from anyone would be appreciated as I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m totally green. Thanks, Vicki

Re: Mobile Homes - Posted by Freddy Wells

Posted by Freddy Wells on August 27, 1999 at 22:39:00:

Do get Lonnie’s books. It is the best and the least money you will ever spend in the mobile home business.

I also reccommend going to the seminar in October. I went to it last year with my wife and the networking you get from that is unbelievable. We hadn’t done any deals when we went last year, but have knocked out several killer deals since the seminar and own a few lots like Lonnie describes in his books.

You can’t go wrong I will assure you.

A fellow Lonnie student,

Freddy and Melissa Wells in OKLA.

Re: Mobile Homes - Posted by Robert McNeely

Posted by Robert McNeely on August 27, 1999 at 07:37:47:

Do get lonnie’s books. The upcomming siminar in Oct would also be worth your time. See banner above.