mobile home portfolio - Posted by Terry

Posted by Thomas K. Standen on March 06, 2004 at 18:11:41:

Direct source is David Butler’s book, TIN CAN ALLEY, which is available on this web site, and has been talked about frequently in several of the Forums here. He also presents an updated version reflecting current buying rates, during his presentations at ANN’s Triple Crown workshop. Hope that helps.

Thomas K. Standen
North American Loan Servicing

mobile home portfolio - Posted by Terry

Posted by Terry on March 06, 2004 at 17:10:46:

I have a portfolio of 7 mobile homes, with 5 in parks, 2 with land, and also one improved lot. My question is, I am new to the note business, and a friend suggested and emailed me something entitled “Private note grading & pricing Guidelines” and also this website. My question is, how do I quickly come up to speed so I can sell at a resonable figure? Is the guideline a good beginning? Need advice.

Re: mobile home portfolio - Posted by Ellen

Posted by Ellen on March 17, 2004 at 09:47:33:

Depending on credit grade of borrowers, we might have an interest in purchasing these loans through our funding source at 70-80% of the principal balance.

Re: mobile home portfolio - Posted by Tillman (DE)

Posted by Tillman (DE) on March 06, 2004 at 17:48:22:

Any possibility of getting a source for the “Private note grading and pricing Guidelines”, provided of course I wouldn’t be violating any copyrights by obtaining such?