Mobile Home on Property..... - Posted by Rob

Posted by Ron (MD) on March 12, 2001 at 14:05:27:


There’s another newsgroup here that deals exclusively with mobile homes. Those folks are the ones to ask. Look in the upper left corner of the newsgroup main screen and you’ll find it.

Ron Guy

Mobile Home on Property… - Posted by Rob

Posted by Rob on March 11, 2001 at 23:34:55:

I live in Southern California in a place called Santa Clarita that is about 35 miles north of Los Angeles. In my city you cannot put mobile homes onto property so I am looking to do this in a place called Acton about 15 miles northeast of me. It seems that an acre is about $30,000 there and I feel I could find a very nice used double wide for around $20-$30,000 as well. Making the cost $50-$60,000
for the home and land alone. I can get bulldozing done for about the cost of gas, but (assuming the land has a well and all utility access) I am not sure what other licensing costs would also come up as well as pouring a foundation and ceptic tanks. I would appreciate any input on completing such a task and how musch it would cost me.
Thank You

Re: Mobile Home on Property… - Posted by Eva

Posted by Eva on August 07, 2002 at 13:57:14:

I know you posted this long ago. But, how did it go? I really like Acton. I myself live in Palmdale.