Mobile Home Dealer ? - Regading Business Location - Posted by Sue - Florida

Posted by JoeS (FL) on June 15, 2004 at 08:25:05:

Look into getting a Mobile Home BROKERS license. You wont need a lot, just a small office area in your home. It can be just a desk in your livingroom. BTW, the requirement of a lot is really up to the individual DMV inspector. I know a few DEALERS license holders that work out of their homes.

The only difference between the licenses is that you will not be able to deal in new mobiles. If you are doing Lonnies, it wont matter.

Best Regards,
JoeS (FL)

Mobile Home Dealer ? - Regading Business Location - Posted by Sue - Florida

Posted by Sue - Florida on June 14, 2004 at 12:48:43:

I’ve just gotten off the phone with my local DMV and was told that I need to apply for a Mobile Home Dealer license. I explained what I wanted to do and they said I would be required to set up a business location where I can display at least one mobile home. Has anyone ever come across this and how did they work this through?

Thank you,
