Mobile Billboard - Posted by Ben

Posted by BenOH on May 11, 2001 at 04:31:14:

An internet search reveals quite a few companies doing mobile advertising! Seems to be a farily active enterprise. Well, I’m off to buy my truck. Keep ya’ll posted.

Mobile Billboard - Posted by Ben

Posted by Ben on May 10, 2001 at 06:10:01:

There is a very large step van for sale. It is ideal for a “We Buy Homes” advertisement. It is mobile. Has anyone tried this? I am also thinking of offering it to RE investors for a weekly/monthly fee. Park it in a location of their choice, with their telephone number. It would have a removable, changeable sign. The advertiser would pay for the sign, I would rent the truck, one side, or both, for a fee. Has anyone tried renting space on the side of a large step van?

What do you think would be a fair price?

Any help is greatly appreciaited.

Ben Spofford
Freedom Home & Land, LLC

Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by Jay - IN

Posted by Jay - IN on May 10, 2001 at 12:47:15:

You would probably be better off just putting your own number on the van and focus on doing a couple of deals off it. You’ll make a lot more off of those deals than you ever will renting out the signage and you’ll waste less energy.

Just an opinion,
Jay Bohnert

Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by Travis (Dallas)

Posted by Travis (Dallas) on May 10, 2001 at 10:11:18:

Great idea!!! What city are you in?

In Dallas there are companies that have large billboards on flat bed tractor trailer rigs that drive around. I’m sure they are very expensive. You might want to call them to check on pricing, etc…
One of the companies in the yellow pages under “Advertising-Outdoor” is “The Moving Billboard Company” 972-869-0991.

How much is it worth? $50/month??? Which means it probably wouldn’t pay unless you had it on your truck that you were using to do work. Some large companies are paying individuals to put their signs on their personal vehicles (similar to the taxi companies, except on personal vehicles.). You might try brokering the advertising by doing the same thing.
Good luck, keep dreaming & don’t let anyone stop you…

Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by Ed Copp (OH)

Posted by Ed Copp (OH) on May 10, 2001 at 08:14:48:

Your Idea has some merit, but seems a bit lukewarm to me. Kind of puts me in mind of a new truckload of low grade carpet that has just arrived from the mill.

That said it does have some merit and perhaps is worth a try. Some questions that I would look at closely are, How much for the truck? How much traffic will the sign(s) be exposed to? A lot of advertisers will want to know the traffic count for that location. Have you done a traffic count? After you know how much exposure to the sign, then you can set a fair price.

Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by JT - IN

Posted by JT - IN on May 10, 2001 at 21:42:42:

You are right; would be a lot better… make on a couple of deals.
Don’t you think that some of these people post this crap to try to bait in a customer for advertising, or whatever the product? Unfortunately, folks manipulate the board for their own free enterprise methods.

Just the way I view things…


Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by Mike Schmidt (IL)

Posted by Mike Schmidt (IL) on May 10, 2001 at 14:14:40:

I agree with you Jay.

I remember a artical that caught my eye a while back, little off subject really but here it is.

It was about a guy in the home remodeling industry and he talked about how well he did with getting phone calls from potential new clients. What he did was have a LED, live rotating sign mounted flush (nice install job) into the back door of his van. It scrolled several messages about calling for estimates etc. for home remodeling. The sign was VERY nice, high quality.

I DO believe things like this that are a bit different CAN at times be a fantastic tool. I have seen these for sale since then and often wondered why I have never personally seen one on a vehicle.

Advertising Outdoors - Posted by BenOH

Posted by BenOH on May 10, 2001 at 11:21:59:

Hi Travis.

Great ideas. Thanks for your comments. I’m on the phone right now to that number you gave me in Dallas. Trailer rigs? Wow! That’ll work. I will post my success, or lack thereof.

Thanks again.

Re: Mobile Billboard - Posted by BenOH

Posted by BenOH on May 10, 2001 at 11:17:06:

HI Ed–

The truck costs $5300. It’s in excellent shape. As for the traffic in the area it depends on where I park it. Right next to the highway would be ideal.

Thanks for your comments. BTW, how much is a fair price for a month of use next to a major highway??