It does work, period! As I see it, you must have a few things to succeed. First, a good sponsor. Second, a strong program (not oversolicited with competitors, etc) and third, an excellent pay plan. You might very well go through a few companies before finding a “home”. I have people tell me their “horror” stories all the time. My opinion only; the real problem here, for most of them, is that the just did not put out any effort. But for those who do try? Yes some still do fail. So what! Most businesses in general fail in the first year. Why should an MLM based effort be any different. In fact its probably higher because MLM normally takes on all comers, and sadly, most are undercapitalized and have unreal expectations. I started making good money in about 30 days and I would be pleased to show anyone my checks to prove it. My sponsor, in less than six months, makes enough to do whatever he wants (unless 100k per month is not…in that case give him 30 days) MLM is not some sort of “scheme” ,it sure beats most businesses, and I would be happy to debate that aspect anytime.
Does anyone have any recommendations on any proven systems that have a great Time-vs-$ ratio? I’m looking into Inst. of Global Prosperity, PPL, and various others. Has anyone had success doing this as a supplement to their real estate investing? Thanks for the responses.
Re: MLM as Supplement to REI? - Posted by Chris Benedict
Posted by Chris Benedict on August 02, 2000 at 10:15:07:
Save your time and money. MLM’s do not work. It is mathematically infeasable. So, unless you like selling junk to your family and spending your cash on “supplemental educational tools” stick with REI.
MLM is and has been a business phenomenon for a long time. I am successful in MLM. Yes, there are quite a few poor programs and many more poor people looking to take your money, but if you can find a good company and the right people to work with, your money worries will be over IF YOU WORK HARD. Few are willing to do so, which is one reason MLM has received a bad rap from some people. Everyone wants to make money without working, and when people fail and quit it’s much more satisfying to blame a company or someone else rather than looking in the mirror.
Re: Have you been living in a cave? MLM works for those who WORK - Posted by Chris Benedict
Posted by Chris Benedict on August 09, 2000 at 08:10:52:
Yeah, how successful? And what has it cost you? Truly? Not just the BS you spout to other prospective clients to get them fired up.
I have met many successful people, some worth several million, and I have yet to meet ONE person who has ever made REAL income off of MLM. MLM is the only LEGAL way to get around a PONZI scheme, unless you like selling AVON…
I have to agree with Kim. MLM’s do work if YOU work. Many people get into a business opportunity and then do NOTHING! How do you expect to make money w/o doing the work. No traditional job will pay you to do nothing (unless you work for the Gov. or Boeing) LOL! Anyway, why should MLM be any different. I have been involved in my first MLM for about 5 months now. Agreed, I’m not making much yet, but several that I personally know locally are making serious money ($30-$40k/month for example) and they don’t sell soap, cosmetics or vitamins! In addition, the top paid representative makes over $1 million/month! The business we are involved in is a service based industry with no down quarters. In addition, this is a business that has been around for 12 years, is one of the youngest companies to EVER be allowed on the New York Stock Exchange, and is the second youngest company to reach $1 billion in annual sales! Beat that! By the way, do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is? MLM is based on the most powerful force in nature-exponential growth. Many “traditional” companies (i.e. MCI and AT&T) are experimenting with MLM strategies to increase revenue and customer loyalty. So, you may not agree that MLM is a valid means of income, but many others (inlcuding “traditional” businesses) do.
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