Michael or Judy with American Note.... - Posted by Andre (NC)

Posted by Michael Morrongiello American Note on June 28, 1999 at 23:18:52:

We are more than willing to assist you in setting up the financing to buy or sell properties. The call is free

800-659-2274 ask for one ouf our account reps in the acquistions dept.

Happy Hunting

Michael Morrongiello
American Note
Operations Manager

Michael or Judy with American Note… - Posted by Andre (NC)

Posted by Andre (NC) on June 28, 1999 at 08:38:06:

I know you’ve probably answered this a million times but I can’t find it anywhere.

I read J.P’s thread from 5/17 on the Cash Flow Forum about your company buying unseasoned notes created by investors to purchase properties. I was wondering if either of you would email me or post here your buying parameters (i.e., max LTV, max amt, etc…) for this program?

Is your purchase plan similar to the one J.P alluded to in her “How to Create Your Own Mortgage” article or do you discount the note initially? I hope this question makes sense. If it makes any difference, the notes I’m looking to create are pretty much similar to J.P’s.

Thanks in advance for your response.