Miami Real Estate - Posted by Oscar

Posted by Dave FL on June 08, 2002 at 13:27:03:

Do NOT look for properties that will support the financing, look for SELLERS that will and creative lenders. You won’t be able to go to a bank in Dade and ask for 100% of the sale price. network, attend REI meetings, pass out cards, put ads in the paper. This takes WORK. Deals will not come to you. I’ve been a graduate for about 3 weeks and have really taken on a new perspective about life in general. Read books, go to the courthouse, do whatever you can to educate yourself.

Miami Real Estate - Posted by Oscar

Posted by Oscar on June 08, 2002 at 13:07:26:

I have just finished Carlton Sheets course and have been looking for a property in Miami to purchase. The problem is that I can not find any properties that will support 100% financing. Does anyone have any experience in this area of the country or any advise on what I can do? I have looked in many neighborhoods with no success. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.