MHP Owner hiring a Manager - Looking for Advice - Posted by Dan - GA

Posted by Eddie-MI on October 31, 2002 at 18:12:21:

Basically, for a park under 50 spaces. I would give them free lot rent, free water/electric, and 250 bucks a month. For that price, they would read water meters, collect rent, deposit rent, all paperwork, show homes, give out 7 day notices, and live with the day to day aggravation of having an office phone and fax line. I would look at one of your better tenants (a middle aged lady who stays at home a lot is your best bet).

MHP Owner hiring a Manager - Looking for Advice - Posted by Dan - GA

Posted by Dan - GA on October 31, 2002 at 11:30:34:

I own a 31 pad MHP in central GA, and am looking at another in Northern GA. If I purchase the second park, I may need a manager at one or both of the parks. Upto now, I’ve taken care of all the management issues at my existing park. I’m considering hiring an outside manager or offering the position to one of my better tenants.

If you own or have owned a MHP and have a manager, what due you pay for your manager, and what do you expect them to do? I’m just looking for a range of responsibilities that you would give to a manager, approximate hours/month, and the $ that you would pay and/or rent credit for their services.