Methods to detect meth - Posted by LC

Posted by John on February 03, 2005 at 08:36:38:

I have heard of this where a meth lab was running.
It isn’t a problem if the owner/tennants were just using.
Check police reports to see if a lab was there

Methods to detect meth - Posted by LC

Posted by LC on February 02, 2005 at 23:04:25:

What are some signs of meth I can look for when I’m inspecting properties I want to purchase? I’ve heard of spraying starch or something like that on the wall, and if it turns a certain color then meth has been used in the house (a really bad idea if the house is inhabited…could ruin the paint). Except for the physical appearance of the people who live in the house and how they keep up the house, are there any other methods I can use that will alert me before I consider purchasing a property?

Re: Methods to detect meth - Posted by Anne_ND

Posted by Anne_ND on February 04, 2005 at 05:34:07:

If you know that meth users have lived there before, call the local DEA and get their report. I’ve bought two mobile homes from park managers where there was known meth use/sales before- in both cases the DEA told me that the drug-sniffing dogs ruled out the manufacture of meth on the premises.

I don’t know how you’d investigate if you had no previous reason to believe meth was being made there other than talking to the neighbors.


Re: Methods to detect meth/insurance? - Posted by Phillips

Posted by Phillips on February 03, 2005 at 14:53:55:

You need to becareful of both users and makers of meth. Meth is injested via needle. However, if you are dealing with a meth user, they become both paranoid and delusional. I don’t know if there is a kit available for meth detection. If you know someone in local law enforcement, they might be able to run a drug dog around the house and get an indication. In Middle TN, we are up to our ears in Meth cases and have had a number of landlords burned because the rental houses they bought had been previously used for manufacturing of meth. When the DEA or local cops discover a meth operation, they bring in the hazmat team. Literarlly everything is destroyed. When meth defendants are released from jail, someone has to bring them new cloths because the feds will incinerate the clothing they were wearing. THis stuff is truly dangerous.

My wife and I are looking at getting into the rental market in our area and one question we have had, given the meth epidemic in our area is whether there was liability insurance to cover the property in the event it had been previously used to cook meth or if a current tennant decided to start making meth. Any thoughts?

Re: Methods to detect meth - Posted by MikeJ-Fl

Posted by MikeJ-Fl on February 03, 2005 at 07:26:20:

The concerns with meth only arise when there is a lab producing it in the home, in which case there will be noticable odors like cat urine, ether, ammonia, acetone or other chemicals. Other signs could be antifreeze containers, lantern fuel cans, red chemically stained coffee filters, drain cleaner, or unusual amounts of clear glass containers. There is no need to be concerned about people having just used drugs in the house.

Re: Methods to detect meth - Posted by Warren Priske

Posted by Warren Priske on February 03, 2005 at 24:31:37:

If there are traces of meth in a home, they can’t be any more dangerous than traces of bathroom cleanser. In fact, I’ll take the meth before the cleanser. What is your concern with meth?

Re: Methods to detect meth - Posted by meng

Posted by meng on February 03, 2005 at 08:01:07:

I’ve heard stories where a house was purchased, a new family moved in, family members started getting sick, and it was determined that meth was being used in the house previously. I’ve also heard instances where the owners have had to “gut” the interior and replace it so there is no environmental hazard. This will cut into profits very quickly.