Marcos - how are you doing?? - Posted by mattc - mi

Posted by mattc - mi on December 12, 2003 at 23:06:46:

I am pursuing my first couple of deals, and still learning.

I am glad to see you posting here - as I learned much from you.

Have a great 2004 also!

mattc - mi

Marcos - how are you doing?? - Posted by mattc - mi

Posted by mattc - mi on December 11, 2003 at 16:17:46:

Marcos - see you posting today.

Just wondering how you are doing.

I started reading your beginner posts on
at the start of this year. That’s what brought me
over to CREO also.

I know you were heavily into flips for cash, the L/Os, etc.
about 1-2 years back (I read the archives a lot)

How are things going for you there in Florida?

Are you still concentrating on those two - or gone on
to other stuff.

Well - thanks for posting so much before - they still live
on in the archives.

mattc - mi

Re: Marcos - how are you doing?? - Posted by Marcos

Posted by Marcos on December 12, 2003 at 11:36:48:

I’m around here more than anywhere else. Although it’s kind of sporadic, just as I have time.

Things are going well for me. Can’t complain. Would have liked to have done a little better this year, but such is life. Still doing a little bit of everything. Almost all my deals are done by referral now. I do very little marketing. Mostly get leads from contacts I have built over the last few years.

Hope all is well with you, thanks, and have a great 2004.
