mailing lists for out of state owners?? - Posted by Geoffrey

Posted by Vic on April 13, 2005 at 22:59:30:


Do you know if this site will compile a list of out of town owners for you, without you having to sort through the houses one by one to find out where the tax bills are being sent?


mailing lists for out of state owners?? - Posted by Geoffrey

Posted by Geoffrey on April 13, 2005 at 08:39:25:

Hello all,
I am going to do a postcard campaign using out of state home owners. The lady I spoke to about purchasing the list had never pulled a list like that. So she said she would look up people whose properties were not covered by the homestead act here in Florida. Before I purchase the list I wanted to make sure these were the correct type of addresses.

Thanks in advance,

Re: mailing lists for out of state owners?? - Posted by Greg(NJ)

Posted by Greg(NJ) on April 13, 2005 at 17:56:46:

This is all you need. SITEXDATA.COM !

Re: mailing lists for out of state owners?? - Posted by clint

Posted by clint on April 13, 2005 at 09:52:47:

Why not, any non owner occupied property, ask her to delineate by address where tax bills are NOT sent to the properties address. Should work either way. You will get all properties that are out of state, and all properties that are non owner occupied.