LPOA-What to include? - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on August 08, 2001 at 20:25:18:

Perfect! That was exactly what I was after. Thanks for all your help.

Now if I can get the seller to comply, Ill be set.


LPOA-What to include? - Posted by Dan(FL)

Posted by Dan(FL) on August 07, 2001 at 21:38:33:

Hi,I hope someone out there can give a guy some help. I am filling out a Limited Power of Attorney and what I am trying to get right is the area pertaining to the “specific and limited purposes”. Is there a standard for this place on the form? I got this form from Mr. Bronchicks web site( It wasnt included in the subject to course that I purchased from him). And yes this is a subject to deal, if it helps.

This seems like one of those things that can come up and bite you in the butt if not filled out properly or something is left out. If anyone has a completed sample form to share or know where I can get the info., it sure would be appreciated.

Re: Sorry, Dan! - Posted by Stacy (AZ)

Posted by Stacy (AZ) on August 07, 2001 at 23:06:03:

When you emailed me I didn’t have time to find-out what, exactly, you were asking. Here’s what to fill in:

To execute contract, deed, closing and other necessary documents related to real property described as follows:

…put legal description here…

And known by street and address as

…place address here…
