Los Angeles comunity property sale ... - Posted by JR

Posted by Kristine-CA on April 27, 2005 at 14:12:38:

The one I’m working (and still working) isn’t community property
though. I it is owned by husband and wife as joint tenants. You can
absolutely buy one joint tenant’s interest and step into their interest. I
don’t really know what the deal would be with a partial interest on
community property.

Still haven’t done a partition suit yet. But I bet you it will be this year.

Los Angeles comunity property sale … - Posted by JR

Posted by JR on April 27, 2005 at 02:30:32:

A friend of mine (married) has a property in Los Angeles CA. Can he sell his 50% interest in the property? He pays the mortgage, but his wife is on title too? She does not want to sell. Needles to say she is not working (11years now).
Any help appreciated!

Kristine - check this out - Posted by Natalie-VA

Posted by Natalie-VA on April 27, 2005 at 13:02:31:

Kristine posed this question a couple of months ago. She was wondering if anyone had tried purchasing an interest in a property and then having the courts force a sale.

I’m curious to see if she every did anything with that idea. Kristine?