Looking for Lender - Posted by njiggy

Posted by Erica on June 08, 2004 at 13:47:44:

How cool I am in DC too! I too am looking for lenders and also people who are active in learning and acheiving real estate investing. I would love to talk to you, we may be able to help each other, or just talk for a moment. I would like to know about your experiences. I have made a few contacts with lenders and agents, and continuing to do so.
So please feel free to contact me.

AOL IM : missediddy75

Hope to hear from you!
Take Care,

Looking for Lender - Posted by njiggy

Posted by njiggy on June 08, 2004 at 11:03:39:


I am in the DC metro area and I am looking for a Lender. I spoke to someone on this board and I have since lost the number. I can not remember the person’s name. If there is a lender in the area or if anyone has any referrals please let me know.

Thank you